Wednesday 11 February 2015

To start off...

This has been debatable for a very long time. 
Starting my own blog and talking about this and that?
Who's interested?..
Who cares about what one person out of this huge world would have to say..?

Apparently many. 
So here I go, starting by introducing myself..

My name is Charleigh. Pronounced as Charlie... NOT Sharlie.
I used to think my name was odd and I'd often question my mum on her choice of name for me.
Her first choice of name was Romany. Very gypsy I know...
My mum and dad took a bet on horse racing. Mum's horse was called Romany King, which explains the name. She liked it so much that she said to my dad that if the horse came in first she would like to call me after it. Dad really didn't like the name. And even when mum's horse came in first he still wouldn't agree on the name. So Charleigh it was. I tell you what, I found it so difficult to learn how to actually spell my name. I think I was last in class.

 My age.. ? It's true what they say.. You do forget your age when your age finally catches up with you. If my lifespan was physically seen, i'd have life stretch marks... I've had to grow up fast and quick. Even before becoming a teenager.
To jump to the point, i'm 23. However, when your friends are all out, still partying, spending their full time wage on expensive bags and cars, talking about the men and women they're sleeping with or dating, it makes you feel old when you've settled down and had children of your own.
I live in the south west of 'Great' Britain. Don't get me wrong it's a great place to live but slowly it's turning to... to shit. Can I say that? But I won't get into that by getting too aggravated on my introduction post.

 I've been recently married to my school friend Matthew. We've been together for nearly 7 years now and we have a a beautiful, intelligent little girl together called Rose-Marie. She's recently turned 3. And i'm currently in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy with our second child which we've found out is a boy! Which we're very chuffed about! 2 children, a boy and girl... We're very lucky! 

So the content of this blog? I guess everything... I can be very hidden and quiet at times. And it's normally when things are going through my head. My childhood, who my friends really are, family dilemmas and if i'm the best I can be.. So to write about how things are and what's going on will let me avoid unloading on the wrong people. (Which I do a lot).
I seem to keep a lot bottled up and then explode.
This blog won't just be about me and my life but what's going on in the world we live in, other people's dilemmas and reviews.

I'm just your average english, full-time mother and wife with a lot going through her head. 
I hope you enjoy.

Charleigh Marie