Tuesday 2 June 2015


Hiya guys!
It really does seem like so long ago I created a blog post..
But... 2 and a half weeks ago I gave birth to my son. So I've kind of been hiding out, and getting little one into a routine before getting back on the social network game again.
I also have to do a video update and introduce little one to YouTube.
This was just to let you know that I will be back soon, and I haven't decided to flake on the YouTube and Blogging game.

Just bare with me...


Tuesday 12 May 2015

My Simple Glowing Skin Routine

This is my very simple, glowy skin make-up tutorial.
It's my go-to foundation routine, especially coming into warmer season.
I have a lot of freckles (as I'm sure you can tell) and I don't like to cover them. I used to hate my freckles but as I grew up I learnt to embrace these little sun spots. It's all due to genetics actually.
Getting to the point... check out my very easy tutorial!


Thursday 7 May 2015

Cosmic Chic

Aye Up!
I created this really cool look yesterday, and glad I filmed it!
Very fun and colourful. Something we all may need at a point of our lifes...

So I was due to have our son yesterday... and nothing...
He's waaay too cosy in there I think. There must be something going on in there that I don't know about because Rose was also in no rush at all to come out on her due date.
Making this video took my mind off of the date and it was really fun. 
So check it out!

Remember to give the video a thumbs up if you like how it turned out & to hit the subscribe button!


Friday 1 May 2015

25 Facts About Me TAG

So. Yeah. Another tag.And why not..? I find these fun.

Here's a few random facts about me.


When I was around 3-4 years old, I was playing in the forest with my sister and friends ( yep, when I was that young I used to go out in the forest )
I was wearing a really pretty dress and all of a sudden needed to poo. My sister and friends were busy climbing a tree so I came across this perfect toilet shaped, cut down tree, sat on it like Miss Muffit and pooed.
When my sister got down, she noticed the log..in the log and everyone was shouting "EW". Which I went along with...It was only sometime later everyone found out it was me.
But if you gotta go.... you gotta go.
Atleast I did it in a lady-like manor...


I've always had a cringey fear of old men with bifocal glasses. Ugh.


When I when as young as 8, I wanted to be an archaeologist. Due to the fact I was obsessed with the film The Mummy and was studying Ancient Egypt in primary school at the time.
Later realising, it's not just history knowledge you need.


Before finding out I was pregnant with my first child, I never wanted to get married.
I have no one in my family who have got married and have actually stayed together which made me doubt the whole marriage thing. 
But having a child is more than marriage so I caved...


I moved out with my now husband when I was 19.


I have never stuck on a favourite colour. 


Which leads on to this fact. I'm really indecisive


When I was 3, I had two hamsters...

One day I decided to get the hamsters out their cage and they ended up biting me so I squeezed them and put them in the bin.
My mum was not happy about my murderous ways...


I have a mix or dark features and ginger in my genes. Resulting into me having dark, thick hair but very light, fair eyebrows.
So bloody annoying!


I've never been the kind to like the centre of attention. I have anxiety about it.


I've never stuck to a certain genre of music. What ever sounds good, I like.


 I can be very carefree and happy 70% of the time. But the other 30% i'm really impatient, easily angered and harsh.


I only have bad dreams about my husband doing the dirty with someone I know. And then wake up kinda pissed off at him.


I've never been the one to plan my life ahead. I believe whatever happens is meant to be.


I love walking on my own. But only if there's good music in my ear. 


I've never been the greatest swimmer and I'd normally panic if I'm starting to lose my breath.


When I was 6, me and my sister found an adult movie called Showgirls in my mum's cupboard. We watched it without permission quite a lot. Understanding the plot years later, that it's actually a pretty good film. It had the girl from Saved By The Bell in it. 


When I was young, I was an expert of opening my christmas presents early and re wrapping them so noone knew!


I can normally tell straight up by meeting someone if they're a good or bad person. I have that instinct. And I'm always right.


My older sister used to believe I was a witch. As I once fell over and cut my knee so deep my blood looked kinda purple. She's called me a witch ever since.


I used to give myself love bites when I was young. So my mum would cover them with my long hair.


I love a bargain. Charity shops are like a den of treasures to me.


I don't understand the hype of Disney's Frozen. 


I put up a tough posterior but I'm really a big softy. Sometimes... 


I've cracked my head open twice.


Thursday 30 April 2015

Pregnancy Catch up!

Yep I'm still pregnant.
Still waiting...
I feel like I've been due for about a month. And nothing seems to be happening

I have had no motivation to film what so ever but yesterday I thought, what's the point in starting this if I can't keep up or finish it.

So I made an update on what's been happening (or not been happening)
Here it is :)

I hope you enjoy!


Sunday 19 April 2015

Rose did my Makeup!

Totally forgot to post this!
Such a cute video of my little 3 year old doing my makeup! She's a little pro already!

Give it a watch! She's so funny!


36 Week Pregnancy Update

Hiya Guys!

So the other day I filmed my 36 week pregnancy update.
To tell you the truth, not much has changed in the past week.
Just the usual lower pelvic pains where little man's gradually moving his way down, stuffy nose (not sure if it's pregnancy related but it's bloody annoying!) weight gain, and basically not being able to do normal every day things so easily.
The crib is finally up, even though we won't be using it for a month or so, it's just nice to see his room kind of ready. Makes it all seem more real and that there's really not long until he's here. 
Only around 3 weeks! Still quite unbelievable how fast it's gone. Except these last few weeks! 

In this update I've included mine and the baby's hospital bag contents. Which makes me all that little extra excited!

Check it out!

Be sure to like + Subscribe to my channel!


Sunday 12 April 2015

TMI Tag.

Hey guys. I've seen this Tag floating around and thought I'd give it a go!

Q: what are you wearing?
A: Maternity leggings,  denim shirt over a black tank top
Q: Ever been in love?
A: Once, which is current.
Q: Ever had a terrible breakup?
A: Nahh, just a very annoying, clingy prick to break up from ;)
Q: How tall are you?
A: 5'6
Q: How much do you weigh?
A: Currently 36 weeks pregnant which results my weight to be just over 11st. Normally i'd weight around 9st
Q: Any tattoos?
A: No. Never really had my heart set on a design or placement.
Q: Any Piercings?
A: Just my earlobes once. I have had my nose pierced in the past, but it was very irritating to wash my face. I'd forget I'd have the piercing...
Q: OTP – One True Pairing?
A: Hhhmm. I do like hummus with celery. How random is that pairing... Oooo or marmite on crumpets!!
Q: Favorite show?
A: F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Game of Thrones
Q: Favorite band?
A: It's hard to chose really as I switch music taste a lot. But i'd always go back to bands such as Evanescence, Linkin Park, KoRn, Queens of the Stoneage, The 1975s. But at the moment i'm loving the new band Nothing But Thief's
Q: Something you miss?
A: I miss two people especially. My father in law.. who past away this time last year due to cancer. And my dear nan who past back in 2003.
Q: Favorite song?
A: Gosh.... Maybe... Our wedding song. Seal - Kiss from a Rose... It always gives me goosebumps
Q: How old are you?
A: I've recently turnt 24
Q: Zodiac sign?
A: An Aries 
Q: Quality you look for in a partner?
A: Honesty, trust, humour like mine, brave and cuddly. 
Q: Favorite quote?
A: ‘Life is like a cup of tea, it's how you make it' says it all really
Q: Favorite actor?
A: Actress - Drew Barrymore
Actor - Has to be good ol' Leo Dicaprio

Q: Favorite color?
A: Red or Green
Q: Loud music or soft?
A: Both, completely depends on the mood I’m in.
Q: Where do you go when you are sad?
A: For a walk or to bed to cry it out
Q: How long does it take you to shower?
A: About 15 minutes
Q: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
A: I'd say around an hour. Depends what i'm doing. An hour maximum
Q: Ever been in a physical fight?
A: Only with my sister. One day she really tested my patience
Q: Turn on ?
A: Bravery and determination
Q: Turn off?
A: Bad hygiene, ignorance, boring, loss of temper over stupid things..
Q: The reason I joined YouTube?
A: I've been wanting to try it for about two years now and I wish I started then. Recently bought a decent camera and thought, now's the time.
Q: Fears?
A: Losing loved ones
Q: Last thing that made you cry?
A: This morning. Pregnancy hormones and a little tiff with the husband. Great combo to get me going
Q: Last time you said you loved someone?
A: A few hours ago to my gorgeous daughter 
Q: Meaning behind your YouTube name?
A: CharleighMarie. My Name... 
Q: Last book you read?
A: I don't really read books. Ummm the last one I finished must have been Breaking Dawn
Q: The book you’re currently reading?
A: 50 Shades Darker. Yep i'm one of them....
Q: The last show you watched?
A: Game of Thrones.
Q: Who’s the last person you talked to?
A: Talking to my mum at the moment.
Q: The relationship between you and the person you texted last?
A: My husband
Q: Favorite food?
A: I love Italian food. Pasta is just always a go.
Q: Place you want to visit?
A: Italy.
Q; Last place you were?
A: I'm at my mothers at this moment in time
Q: Do you have a crush?
A: Crush. I'm not a teenager..
Q: Last time you kissed someone?
A: Just now, my husband
Q: Last time you were insulted ?
A: Hmmmm. I can't remember
Q: Favorite flavor of sweet?
A: Lime or Lemon. Sour is my thing
Q: What instruments do you play?
A: I used to play keyboard but didn't stick to it. Now I wish I did. 
Q: Favorite piece of jewelery?
A: My wedding ring. Handed down from my nan. 
Q; Last sport you played?
A: Tennis
Q: Last song you sang
A: Brenda Lee - I'm sorry
Q: Favorite chat up line? 
Q: Have you ever used it?
A: Stooooooopid 
Q: Last time you hung out with someone?
A: Hanging out with me mother at the moment
Q: Who should answer these questions next?
A: Anyone who wants to I suppose.


Thursday 9 April 2015

My Winged Liner Look

I filmed a simple winged liner look yesterday.
Nothing too extreme, nothing too dramatic. Just using my basic everyday makeup to create the liner look I usually do. 
Check it out !


35 Weeks Pregnant!

Another week has gone by!
Where is the time going? It's already April! HOW!!!!

But it this moment in time I can't complain because our little boy is almost ready to make his entrance into the world! We are so anxious and excited!
Here is my 35 week update live on my channel.

I hope you enjoy :)


Monday 6 April 2015

My March Favourites!

What a lovely day we're having here in Bristol. It's almost like summer.
If our summers were this nice and cool I'd be delighted!

Okay, so this morning I thought I'd jump on the monthly favourites band wagon. Go Me!
I filmed and uploaded a march favourites.

Check it out! :)

I hope you enjoy!
Make sure you let me know what your favourite products or things have been for the last month ;)


Tuesday 31 March 2015

34 Weeks Pregnant Update!

Hiya everyone!
I've kind of slacked this week. I apologise
My 34 week pregnancy vlog has just gone live on my channel.
Check it out!


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Neutral Makeup + Nude Lip

I've just uploaded a make-up tutorial onto my YouTube channel. I went with subtle look using mauve colour eye shadows and for once, since purchasing it, I used my Kate Moss Rimmel lipstick. The look came out quite nice I think :)
I hope you enjoy!


The Reality of Motherhood Tag

So, I came across this tag which I thought would be quite interesting to do. I'm the only one out of my group of close friends with a child/children. 

(1) What's the hardest thing about being a mum? 

The hardest thing for me is the worry of my children being safe. Like every parent, we'd love our children to run free and be independent. When I was 4-12 i'd be in the forest with my big sister and my friends, building dens and playing out in the street. And I have so many wonderful, fun memories being an outgoing child. I couldn't dream of letting my child be that free! It's a scary world we live in. And whenever I'm out with my little girl, she knows to stay in my sight. The worst feeling goes through me to imagine her being out of my sight if we are out and about. It gives me the shivers....

(2) What's the most unexpected thing about being a mum? 

Hmmm. The feeling of putting someone before yourself. For most mums (I'm hoping :/) you automatically forget your needs and wants and put your children first. A lot of my friends have said they can't imagine being a parent and putting someone before themselves. But it really does comes naturally, or just maybe some women were just born to me a mother. Some are not.
Another one is when you're having time to yourself. When family have asked to have my Rose and I'm thinking "awwl that'll be nice, a bit of me time". But no. I'm constantly thinking of Rose. What she's up to. And how much I bloody miss her! She's like my arms and legs! Just something missing. Which then results to me being upset.
I just can't win.

(3) What do you love most about being a mum? 

Everything! It's hard to explain the feeling to people without children. I guess one word comes to mind.
. You're someone's world! Their everything. And as I'm typing this, Rose has cuddled up to me. Which has to be the best feeling ever! Making her happy without spoiling her with presents. Which we do not do at all. Instead, we spoil her with our presence. Which is how it should be. We've brought her up very well. And I'm very proud of the young girl she's turning into. And to hear other people say we've done well... really is lovely and kind of a relief. I've tried to bring Rose up the way my mum brought myself up. To understand, know my manners, to not make a fuss of wanting something, to be easy going and to just get on with it. To appreciate what I have.

(4) What if anything would you change? 

This is hard one.
There is nothing I would change at all. 

(5) What words of wisdom do you have for other mums?

Not to worry so much I guess. And it's ok to have time away from your little one. Not only is it good for you but also good for your child to have space away from you.
 There is no wrong or right about parenthood. How you do it is your choice and don't judge others by doing how they're doing it. Get on with what you're doing. 

Only a small tag but as being a mother is basically 99% of my life I thought I may aswel go on an do it. 

Any mothers out there, I tag you to also fill in the Reality of Motherhood tag.
Let me know, because i'd love to see them :)


Monday 23 March 2015

33 Weeks Pregnant

I've just posted my 33 weeks pregnancy update to my YouTube channel!
Check it out :)


Saturday 21 March 2015

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish REVIEW

  I have been holding this one off. Only because it's an obviously great product and there are tons and tons of reviews about it. But wow! I love this stuff!!!

My mother-in-law bought me this product for Christmas and I had previously been eyeing it up before hand. Just never thought I needed it. My skin is....alright. It doesn't have temper tantrums and break out. I count myself lucky with my skin. It's done good. However... after using this, my skin just feels soooo soft! I try to use it every night after I've taken my make-up off with the Garnier Micellar Water. I then fill up the sink half way with fairly hot water. And then pump a grape size amount of the cleanser lotion onto my middle and index finger. And then massage it into my face and neck in circular motions. It smells soooooo good!
 I'll leave it on for about a minute and then grab the hot cloth which comes with the cleanser and soak it into the hot water, half rinse and then, just for the warmth, I lay it on my face like so.
Hhhhmmmm Nice...
I then rub in circular motions as if I'm ex foliating, even though I kinda am.
So that's basically all you do to be honest.
I pat my face dry after with a fluffy face towel and my face is ready for either bed or to apply my day face. Oh and another thing! My pores.... I have no more blackheads in sight... and I only realised the other day when someone asked about my pores and if it helps. Gone!
Let me know if you've been using this product and what you think. I've not heard a single bad word about this amazing stuff.

Much Love



Hope you're all well and dandy! 
Just wanted to post letting you know I have filmed a I ❤️ Spring tag! Up live on my YouTube channel so go and check it out   ;)


Wednesday 18 March 2015

50 Facts About Me

It's always nice to get to know someone a little more. So I've made a short video of 50 random and weird facts about myself so you guys can kind of get to know me a little better.
I hope you like it :)


Sunday 15 March 2015

32 Weeks Pregnant

I have to say this pregnancy has zooomed by!
I really can't believe it's not under 10 weeks until our little boy is here. Rose cannot wait to hold her little brother. She's already trying to feed him and sings to him through my belly. i could cry watching her.
This is a picture of our first scan

And this is our little guy at 20 weeks. It was very clear he was a boy if you know what  I mean.

So at 32 weeks I'm now weighing 10st3. Which is the heaviest I have ever been I think.
I normally weigh around 9st non pregnant. I'm sure I was just 10st when I was full term with Rose.
I have to say, in this pregnancy I have been more emotional and hormonal than I was in my last pregnancy. Crying over ridiculous things and sometimes for no reason at all! And then seconds later I'll be happy as Larry. I'm guessing he's a happy guy :/

I have made a pregnancy vlog video on my channel if you'd like to check it out.
Is it normal that I can't stand to watch it now it's published. With it being my first talking video, on my own anyway. I find it really cringe to watch!

Are any of you in your 3rd trimester? I'd love to know if you are and what symptoms you may be having?


Friday 13 March 2015

Not my hands challenge


This video was hilarious to make. Me and Clare decided to have our joint channel deleted and to upload on our own channels. I'd upload our video on a Friday night and she would upload on a Tuesday.
Here we did the Not My Hands Challenge. Basically, she'd sit behind me, hiding that she's there but only showing my arms. making the illusion that they are my arms. Then she would do my make-up. Having in mind that she can't see what she's doing at all.
You basically need to check it out.

Click here for Clare's channel


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Spring MakeUp Tutorial - My First YouTube Video!

So it finally happened.
After years of debating to start my own YouTube channel, I bit the bullet!

Suddenly the daffodils are blooming and the air smells fresh and florally.
I'd say the in-between season's are definitely my favourite with it being not too hot but not too cold.  There's just basically more to do in these seasons.

Here is my first ever, solo YouTube video!
I hope you enjoy :)

Let me know what activities you enjoy to do during the season of spring!


Sunday 8 March 2015

We went to Disneyland!!

For our daughter's 3rd birthday we booked a belated birthday trip to Disney Land Paris!
I know she won't remember much but one day she can look back on all the pictures we took. To see her reaction to all the magical attractions was amazing. She's a big Disney fan! Like her mummy.
We booked our trip with Thompson, as we've booked a few holidays with them now and it's been very easy and straight forward.
We took the option to go for the euro tunnel, It's quick, easy and less expensive. This departures from Folkstone, England to Calais, France.
So we set off very early at 5am on Thursday from Bristol to make it to Folkstone at our 9:20am departure time. We got there a lil early so we had some breakfast at the station before getting onto the tunnel.
We then said Goodbye to England and 35 minutes later we said Bonjour to France! It was so quick! And all we had to do was sit in the car, watch The Lion King on Rose's dvd player whilst the train took us across the pond! Easy!

We got into Paris around 3 hours later and started seeing the Disneyland sign. 

We were staying at the Cheyenne Hotel at the Disney Resort. It has a western theme to it which was so fun to explore. It made me want to draw my invisible pistol and catch a bad guy. But obviously that wasn't the case. Everything is so thought about here. I love it.

When we first got there we picked up our room key at reception, booked our restaurant reservations with our half board plus vouchers and unloaded our luggage into the room, Our room was a double bed with bunk a bunk bed. Rose found it highly enjoyable to climb up and down the bunk bed ladder continuously. 
I thought these were adorable!

We freshened up and set off to explore. The weather wasn't the best when we got there. It was raining, windy and the sky had a dark overcast. We were too exited to let that stop us.

Here are a few shots we took from our trip. 

To end disneyland I took this pictures of all my favourite people.

On our last day, we thought It would be waaaay too hectic in the disney parcs with it being a Sunday and all so we decided to take a trip into Paris city to see the sights. It was a first time for all of us to visit the city. Here are our snaps of Paris.

We then had a nutella waffle under the Eiffle Tower before we made our way home back to lovely England
